Through the Kinship System Circles Model, individuals are provided a “circle of care” that supports them on their healing journey from symptoms of historical and current trauma, which can include substance misuse and addiction, emotional health challenges, and other issues. Members of the circle of care are an Elder, a trained Community Facilitator, and others who will help meet the person’s needs for wellness, cultural health and a happier life.
Individuals are at the center of the Circle and are the priority. Their own individual healing path is honored and respected. The “Circle goes with them and to them.” It is a portable structure, and not location based. Telehealth strategies are easily integrated. It differs from a mainstream approach of “wrap around services,” as it is not the service that is the priority, but the members of the Circle and what each brings to support individuals in recovery. Culturally intrinsic assessments, healing plans and other tools are available through the Model, as well as
family centered and community-based support strategies.